Hi, I'm Jacob Rush the creator of this game. This game is a breakout-style game created as part of a Udemy course taught by GameDev.tv. I don't have plans to update the game further, but if you run into any glitches or bugs please let me know and I'll try to fix them. Thanks!


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Nice start. Keep it up

Found this while browsing, and thought I'd talk about it some.

I think that this is a great start! The game is well polished, and the controls are simple and responsive. It's very easy to pick up and understand how each block acts. The physics are well made and nothing unexpected seems to happen. My only note is that the way some levels are designed can cause the ball to bounce a lot longer than intended. On the first level with the unbreakable blocks, I found my ball bouncing around at the top of the screen for some time, which can make the game a bit boring. But besides some level design, I think that this is very well made, and I wish you luck with your future projects!